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Showing posts from August, 2007

CPA, CPE courses, 100 CPE titles, B2btradeworld, on line, disk-based, CPAs Ethics

Hardwick Publications - Onlinecourses and CPE in accounting, tax, and management. Illinois CPA Society - Professionalassociation representing more than 25,700 accountants. Offers resources andinformation. JN Productions Self-Study CPECourses - Courses include Excel, Office, Word, PowerPoint, andQuickBooks. MicroMash - More than 100 CPEtitles to choose from, available in downloadable, on-line and disk-basedformats. NASBA Tools - Enables CPAs tosearch for CPE courses (including free self-study courses) and findinformation on state CPE requirements. National Center for ContinuingEducation - NCCE offers continuing education training for professionalsincluding financial analysis, mergers, acquisitions, understandingfinancials, business valuation, and project management. Positive Systems, Inc. - Offersinteractive self study courses. Purtill & Company - Provider ofprofessional services, counseling, education and software tools. Offers bothlive and self study courses to CPAs and sm...