SUMMARY: How can you lure visitors back to your site once they’ve been there? Even “registered” users don’t always bother to return, and a “come see our site upgrades” email blast won’t get high clicks. Promoting a site is even harder if your target audience is engineers – who infamously consider marketing messaging not worth reading. Discover how after focus group research and email testing, GlobalSpec got more than 500,000 engineers to come play a branded online game … and then stick around for a while to check out the rest of the site: CHALLENGE Last fall GlobalSpec, a B-to-B search engine serving engineers, was getting ready to launch a major site upgrade. Luckily the site already had 1.3 million registered users. But, just as every site with registered users has discovered, just because people register doesn’t mean they’ll return. “Some people hadn’t been back to the site in a lonmg time,” says Senior Director of arketing Chris Chariton. Chariton was smart enough to realize that w...
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