The fifth international FIPP business magazine and professional media conference, the business media world summit, takes place on 1-3 May 2006. Delegates who book to attend before the ‘early booker’ deadline of 31 March will receive up to a 17 per cent discount. The conference features keynote addresses from David Levin, chief executive of United Business Media and Lord Heseltine, chairman of Haymarket Group. Other confirmed speakers include: Helen Alexander, chief executive of The Economist Group; Ruud Bakker, chairman and CEO of VNU Business Media Europe; Tim Weller, CEO of Incisive Media; Keith Jones, chief executive of Reed Business Information; Dan Bagan, vice president and group publisher of Fairchild Publications; David Hill, president of publishing services, IDG; Andreas Haas, general manager, CPL Group, Ukraine; and Erwin Reisch, chief executive of Gentner Verlag in Germany. Delegates from professional media publishers across the globe are expected to attend the event which h...
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