This year will see increased budgets, significant growth in online marketing and the launch of new ad campaigns in the world of b2b marketing, according to a survey by BtoB online. The report, 2006 Marketing Priorities and Plans surveyed 366 senior marketing executives at the end of November and beginning of December last year and found that 60.7 per cent will be working with bigger budgets in 2006, compared to 49.7 per cent in last year’s survey. In 2006, 72 per cent of marketers intend to increase their online budgets. The survey found that these budgets will be distributed between websites, email, search and sponsorships. Over half of the survey’s respondents said they plan to increase direct mail in 2006, 40 per cent intend to increase event marketing and 33 per cent propose an increase print advertising. The survey also found that 81 per cent of marketers do not plan any changes in their broadcast spending, 80 per cent will not change outdoor spending and 46 per cent will not make...
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